Dr. Ric Arsenau operates a GP practice in BC, Canada, providing services to patients with ME/CFS, FM and longcovid.
Dr. Becca Kennedy is a GP based in Portland Oregon who offers group classes and individual appointments, either in person or via Zoom.
Pathways Online Course — An online course from Dr Eleanor Stein. Vitality360 — Specialist pain and fatigue rehabilitation provider in the UK.
Jan Rothney — has recovered from ME/CFS and has written a book and developed a training programme to help patients recover.
Pain Therapy Centre — a GP in South Wales who takes private appointments for chronic pain, medically unexplained symptoms, stress illness and psychophysiological disorders.
Well aHead — providing online psychology services to chronic fatigue and chronic pain patients.
ME/CFS Self-Help Guru — offers holistic coaching and support for patients with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and other chronic illness.
/r/cfsme on reddit — a group for discussion about research, treatment and recovery from ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome), with a focus on recovery.
IBS Tales — Information on the treatments for IBS, from drugs to alternative therapies, as well as over 600 personal stories.
Demystifying Depression — a very useful and informative guide to
the causes of depression, with treatment advice.
me-cfs-treatment.com — A very informative site giving information
about the causes and treatment of CFS/ME, by Dr. D.G. Smith, a former
medical advisor to the ME Association.
Quackwatch — A site giving information about dubious remedies.
DISCLAIMER: Mind-Body-Health.net is an educational resource for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), burnout and related disorders, and is not giving medical advice. Seek advice from a medical practitioner before making any changes to your life, or if you experience worsening symptoms. CFS is a diagnosis of exclusion, so it
is important to rule out other causes for illness.